Parenting Goals — Be an Extraordinary Parent

Phenicia Alexis
3 min readMar 2, 2021

I am Passionate about work. Passionate about achieving my goals and living a wealthy yet simple life.

I also have a strong desire to be a Great Parent; An Extra-Ordinary Parent!. Not just another adult who provides food, clothing, shelter and schooling for a child. Any adult can do that and it doesn’t make them a parent, much less an extra-ordinary parent.

While it isn’t always an easy task, My aim is to conquer the resistance. fight the battles and overcome each challenge that comes along on the parenting journey.

I will be her example, and show her how to balance life. I will show her how to nourish all the parts of herself that makes her who she is; feeding her spiritual self, physical self, and psychological self, all while developing a healthy social life, healthy financial life, and all the things that builds her character.

I will teach her how to identify her self-worth and value it, how to embrace self-love and appreciate alone time for self-development and self-growth. I will also show her how to love others without losing herself; the importance of setting boundaries. She will learn to understand love languages, personal strengths and accepting others for who they are. She will also learn the value of giving and charity, not for fame but because it is good to be good.

While schooling helps gain academical knowledge, it will not be the priority at our home. Instead she will learn that true education is not just learning a skill or gaining new knowledge, but it is the application of implementing gained knowledge that shows results and actual improvement in anything one does.

She will NOT get everything she asks for but she will get what she needs. She will get to play everyday and explore outdoor activities just as much as indoor activities and truly experience a joyful childhood. Money might come easy and surely it will disappear even easier if she is taught only to work to spend. I will ensure she understands the value of working but more so working smart and investing her money (Letting her money work for her!).

My aim is not to make her perfect, although it may seem like it. My aim is to help her understand how to live a simple yet productive and joyful lifestyle; finding her true self and exploring her happiness. It is my duty to develop a relationship with her that allows her to learn to balance the many opportunities that will come her way, including the negatives that carries the most important and most valuable lessons in life.

As a Mompreneur I fully understand the challenges of maintaining balance to live a harmonious life, and I may not be able to save or protect my little one from everything, but I can certainly share my experiences and lessons learnt with her so that she can have even the smallest of great opportunities to make the best decisions to create an amazing life for herself.

Balance matters, values matters, and so good character is formed. Be an Extra-Ordinary Parent and pass on a legacy worth valuing.

Keep Striving!




Phenicia Alexis

Serial Entrepreneur/Mompreneur passionate about business and parenting; balancing and managing the challenges of both worlds with no stress or hassle.